Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm SOOO official it's not even funny

I kind of had this fantasy that being a missionary in Korea would some how automatically make me thin. Like, I'd just lose 30 lbs without even trying. I mean look at Day and Ellen. Well, what those bitches forgot to mention is that they work their asses off at the gym. We all know day can get down on a treadmill, and Ellen's significant other is a personal trainer. But silly me thought I could have all the rich and kim that my heart desired (then take a nap) and when I woke up the lbs would just be gone. Well that wasn't true. Boy was my face red.

So, in august, I decided to get a gym membership, EXPENSIVE AS HELL!!! $45 for the month- you think that would make me go? NOPE. In the entire month of august I went 3 time. That's $15 a visit. So, september, I turned over a new leaf. No more of this being fat shit. I'm doing a sort of biggest loser competition with 2 teachers from school. And let me tell you, i'm winning. I'm low carb (which is hard to pull off in Korea) I've been going to the gym every afternoon. And on wednesday Jin, the gym guy said "Hi, Jael, nice to see you again!" That mean I'm an official gym rat if the owner of the gym knows my name. I'm so offical it's not even funny (hence the title).

And, according to Day, my breasts have reduced in size, which is a good sign, cause I've already lost 2 kilos (which is 4.4 lbs) HURRAH FOR THE OFFICIAL GYM RAT!!!!


Deidre C. said...

Congrats!!! I'm sooooooooooo proud of you. I've been hitting my curves rather frequently when, after my summer hiatus, I found I was the most I've ever weighed in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! Kudos to you 4.4lbs is is A LOT!!!! It makes a huge differences, especially in your confidence.


Ellen Yun said...

wah hey hey hey! look who's gettin' serious...

on oprah the other day they said that dieting doesn't fit your lifestyle; you fit it!! kind surfaces something i to push back in my mind.

work it sister! a little dancing time might be able to speed things up. what you say?

jamila said...

dang. i think i need to get on theball again. too. it cost too much to be fat now a days. prices is sky rocketing for th thick chick. and my bras are WAY too expensive. I ain't got no job so...what time is better than the present. garrrr. allons nous mon ami!!!!!