Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Bad Day

Today during lunch I felt like the world was coming to an end. I was walking down spring street, fighting tears. I’d just had the worst day in a really really long time. What happened? I was on my way out to lunch when an important client, and two phone calls came in at the same time. I had to hold my lunch back five minutes. When I finally got out the elevator I was spent! I walked a couple blocks bemoaning my existence, until on the corner of Spring and Wooster I had the sudden urge to scream “WHAT THE FUCK?! Jael, what’s wrong with you? Being held up for five minutes is REALLY your biggest problem in the world?”

Is it just me, or are there others out there like me? For about 5 minutes I had felt that I was CLEARLY victimized by a client and my telephone. A year ago I was in drowning in a financial bog that I swore I would never make it out alive. 10 months ago at a previous job, one of my clients had a suicide attempt. Was 5 minutes really worth getting into a stink about?! Why is it that when we’re going through, we’re begging God to get us out of this storm, only to complain that the sun is shining way too bright in the calm. I don’t know how God puts up with it.

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